Research and Publications
Related Publications
19. Aaron S., Vandemheen K.L., Whitmore G.A., Bergeron C., Boulet L.-P., Côté A., McIvor R.A., Penz E., Field S.K., Lemiere C., Mayers I., Bhutani M., Azher T., Lougheed M.D., Gupta S., Ezer N., Licskai C.J., Hernandez P., Ainslie M., Alvarez G.G., Mulpuru S. (2024) Early Diagnosis and Treatment of COPD and Asthma - A Randomized, Controlled Trial The New England Journal of Medicine
18. Bhutani M, Hernandez P, Yang C, Bourbeau J, Licskai C, Dechman G, Van Dam A, Gupta S. (2021) CTS Recommendations Regarding the use of Face Masks by the Public During the SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) Pandemic Canadian Journal of Respiratory, Critical Care, and Sleep Medicine
17. Kendzerska T, Aaron S, To T, Licskai C, Stanbrook M, Vozoris N, Tan W, Bourbeau J, Gershon A. (2021) Effect of Type and Dosage of Newly Prescribed Inhaled Corticosteroids on Obstructive Lung Disease and Pneumonia Hospitalizations in Older Individuals With Asthma, COPD or Both: A Retrospective Study of Health Administrative Data European Respiratory Journal
16. Licskai C, Yang CL, Ducharme FM, Radhakrishnan D, Podgers D, Ramsey C, Samanta T, Côté A, Mahdavian M, Lougheed MD. (2021) Pan-Canadian Standards for Severe Asthma in Electronic Medical Records Canadian Journal of Respiratory, Critical Care, and Sleep Medicine
15. Licskai C, Yang CL, Ducharme FM, Radhakrishnan D, Podgers D, Ramsey C, Samanta T, Côté A, Mahdavian M, Lougheed MD. (2020) Key Highlights From the Canadian Thoracic Society Position Statement on the Optimization of Asthma Management During the Coronavirus Disease 2019 Pandemic CHEST
14. Licskai C, Yang C, Ducharme F, Radhakrishnan D, Podgers D, Ramsey C, Samanta T, Côté A, Mahdavian M, Lougheed D. (2020) Addressing Therapeutic Questions to Help Canadian Physicians Optimize Asthma Management for Their Patients During the COVID-19 Pandemic Canadian Journal of Respiratory, Critical Care, and Sleep Medicine
13. Preteroti M, Whitmore G, FitzGerald J, Lemière C, Boulet LP, Penz E, Field S, Gupta S, McIvor RA, Mayers I, Hernandez P, Lougheed D, Ainslie M, Licskai C, Azher T, Fraser I, Mahdavian M, Aaron S. (2020) Population-Based Case-Finding to Identify Subjects With Undiagnosed Asthma or COPD European Respiratory Journal
12. Kendzerska T, Aaron SD, To T, Licskai C, Stanbrook M, Vozoris NT, Hogan ME, Tan WC, Bourbeau J, Gershon AS. (2019) Effectiveness and Safety of Inhaled Corticosteroids in Older Individuals With Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease and/or Asthma. A Population Study Annals of the American Thoracic Society
11. Lougheed, M. D. Taite, A. ten Hove, J. Morra, A. van Dam, A. Ducharme, F. Ferrone, M. Gershon, A. Goodridge, D. Graham, B. Gupta, S. Licskai, C., MacPherson, A. Styling, G. Tamari, I. E. To, T. on behalf of the Canadian Thoracic Society’s Pan-Canadian (2018) Pan-Canadian Asthma and COPD Standards for Electronic Health Records: A Canadian Thoracic Society Expert Working Group Report Canadian Journal of Respiratory, Critical Care, and Sleep Medicine
10. To, T. Zhu, J. Gray, N. Feldman, L. Villeneuve, P. Licskai, C., Gershon, A. Miller, A. (2018) Asthma and Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Overlap in Women. Incidence and Risk Factors Annals of the American Thoracic Society
9. To, T, Zhu, J. Carlsten, C. Larsen, K. Ryckman, K. Feldman, L. Crighton, E. Lougheed, D. Licskai, C., Villeneuve, P. Su, Y. Safavi,M. Gershon, A.. (2017) Do Community Demographics, Environmental Characteristics and Access to Care Affect Risks of Developing ACOS and Mortality in People With Asthma? European Respiratory Journal
8. Masciantonio, M. Surmanski, A. Licskai, C. (2017) Medical Smartphone Applications - A New and Innovative way to Manage Health Conditions From the Palm of Your Hand UWO Medical Journal
7. To T, Zhu J, Larsen K, Simatovic J, Feldman L, Ryckman K, Gershon A, Lougheed MD, Licskai C, Chen H, Villeneuve PJ, Crighton E, Su Y, Sadatsafavi M, Williams D, Carlsten C, Canadian Respiratory Research Network. (2016) Progression from Asthma to Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease. Is Air Pollution a Risk Factor? American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine
6. Dell, S. Gershon, A. Lougheed, D. To, T. Feldman, Licskai, C.,L. Simatovic, J. Williams, D. Zhu, J. (2016) Frequency of Health Service Use in the Year Prior to Asthma Death Journal of Asthma
5. To, T. Feldman, L. Simatovic, J. Gershon, A. Dell, S. Su, J. Foty, R. Licskai, C. (2015) Health Risk of Air Pollution on People Living With Major Chronic Diseases: A Canadian Population-Based Study BMJ Open
4. Simatovic, J. Zhu, J. Gao, C. Feldman, L. Williams, D. Gershon, A. Lougheed, D. Licskai, C., Dell, S. To, T. (2015) Characteristics of Individuals Admitted to the Intensive Care Unit for Asthma Journal of Pulmonary & Respiratory Medicine
3. To T, Simatovic J, Zhu J, Feldman L, Dell SD, Lougheed MD, Licskai C, Gershon A. (2014) Asthma Deaths in a Large Provincial Health System. A 10-year Population-Based Study. Annals of the American Thoracic Society
2. To T, Shen S, Atenafu EG, Guan J, McLimont S, Stocks B, Licskai C. (2013) The Air Quality Health Index and Asthma Morbidity: A Population-Based Study. Environmental Health Perspective
1. Gupta S, Licskai C, Van Dam A, Boulet LP. (2013) Introducing the Canadian Thoracic Society Framework for Guideline Dissemination and Implementation, With Concurrent Evaluation. Canadian Respiratory Journal